Sunday, 30 September 2012

Wedding 2...

Hello you beautiful creatures,
So i know i said i was going to do wedding 2 the day after but as you may have gathered,i didnt. Simply because ive not had time with school and ive had things so do and also ive been so tired adn not been myself this week. I really tried to do it but i ended up falling sleep in the process and ended up losing everything that i had wrote :/ im truly sorry! But here it is and today i will do my update that i was supposed to do on thursday.

So this wedding is my other aunties wedding and i was a bridesmaid,so this wedding was even more special;) The whole weekend was mad but i got to spend it with my beuatiful beautiful bestfriend philippa. The wedding overall was amazing but very very tiring as you can imagine.

So on the friday after school me and phil and my mum went round my nanans where the bride,bridesmaids,hairdresser were staying. Us three were planning on sleeping there but there wasnt enough room as there were already 9 girls in the house so we were just going to go home. We were having a girly night before the big day and we had our nails done ,facials and some nibbles. It was nice until it got later and later and everyone was having more drink;) Btw my family aint alcholholics its just a special occasion haaa. Originally we were supposed to go bed at 10pm but it got later and later and then suddenly its like 3 in the morning and we have to be up at 6:O so we all went home and bed,well a nap and as you can imagine we were so so tired having only 3 hours sleep and having a BIG day ahead.

So in the morning we went back round and it was litrally a MAD house,there were 6 little bridesmaid running round and everyones getting ready. It was hectic! My mum and nanna kept asking philippa to do jobs which was kinda awks cause shes a guest but they didnt care as they was so busy and it didnt seem to bother phil. After all of us were showered,hair done,makeup done,fed and dressed it was time to leave. Me and phil were in seperate cars as i was an bridesmaid ,tbh i dont even know who took her there:S Anyway,as we got there all theses photos were being took and it was really really hot and i had to wear a black shrug thingy,i was sweating.

Here some of the professional photos:

Haaa as you may be wondering why phil was in some of the family pictures,its cause my family have    now said she is part of the family and my auntie hannah said phil is her new neice aww;') I love my family so so much.
Now im just gonna put a few pics that my mum took.I even put bad ones to be natural;)


Facial haaaaaa

Amy;hairdresser and family friend,shes hilarious!

ugghh this is awful,pale,hairs a mess,fat legs,no make  up and phil still looks beautiful-.-

Haaaa clear that my nannas having a good time;)

Our shots haaa :D sidekick ummmmmmmm

Nanans flowers from hannah ,she was so happy,bless her

Us monging it with no makeup on haa

Hannahs facial,looking ruff

Phils facial,haaa apparo phil has lovely skin according to my nanna
 My facial and my mum and nanan singing ha

Now for the hectic morning:
 Bridesmaids chilling ahh

 All our outfits ,black+white
 My beautiful chubby cousin ava aww;')

 Hair being doing while...eating haaa FOOOOOOD

 My hair al done with my gorgeous clips,loved them soo much!
 Han getting ready with her hair just looking yummy
 Bridesmaid all ready to go waiting patiently 
 God me looking like a gorm as per haa and phil in the background;)
 Hannah looking beautiful and sunshine;')
 Leaving awww
 LOVE THIS LOADS , stepdad scott and my likkle brother rylen naww how cute
 me litrally sweating ha
 awwww tez,han and shane
 Me and mumsie bear,love her millions
 And again ,love her
 CAKEEE ,wow what a beautiful cake ay? and btw real roses
First dance,aww bout cried,perfect couple!

So thats bout it ,oh and we got home really really late and we were nackered the next day haaaa ,loved that day so much!

i might just do the 3rd wedding after this ,not sure!

But thanks for reading,much love!


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